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Secret To Running A Successful B2B Advertising Campaign

b2b advertising

b2b advertising

These days, running a successful business to business advertising campaign has become a multifaceted affair.

Marketers are not only tasked with putting out their digital feelers to find the latest and greatest search engine optimization techniques but they have to make ads effective enough that they'll turn into sales.

But how exactly do you run a great business to business campaign? Read this article to learn the best secrets to running a successful B2B advertising campaign.

Properly identify your audience

Let's get straight to it: what does your business sell and who do they sell it to? Without arming yourself with this seemingly simple knowledge, your B2B advertising campaign will fall flat on its face.

Gather all of your resources together and come up with some answers for the following questions:

As you can see, there's a lot that goes into properly identifying your audience. It's going to take some time, and possibly some experimentation.

Revamp your website's copy

Your next task is to check your website's copy (yes, all of it) and make sure it complies with the best SEO practices. If you could use some assistance, we offer a variety of tremendous services that will make sure your copy is better than ever.

A well-executed B2B ad campaign leverages social media page

“I know that…” you're probably saying, but do you really know the extent of the impact social media has on digital marketing? Furthermore, are your company pages active?

Here are some fantastic tips to help your company efficiently run a social media page for three of the biggest platforms out there today.


Yes, LinkedIn is still important — in fact, when it comes to B2B advertising, it may be one of the most effective tools in your arsenal. Here's what you can do to make sure you've got the best LinkedIn page possible.


Yes, Facebook is useful for more than keeping up to date with your college roommate. When properly tweaked, a company's Facebook page can be their biggest asset, as more users are on Facebook than any other social media platform as of March 2017. Here's how to tweak your page to make it the strongest it can be.


Twitter is likely the most passive social media page your company will have, but it's important nevertheless. Accordingly, it can be difficult to know how to best run a Twitter page in the B2B world for the most sales.

Repurpose content

Do you have a fantastic blog post that just didn't get any traction for one reason or another? No need to scrap it from your site, just repurpose it! Think of yourself as a digital hunter, and your content is the animal: you want to get every last possible use from that content.

This can be as simple as taking key ideas from previous blog posts and expanding on them. It'd be a good idea to include some internal links to the previous blog post too, as your internal traffic can boost your SEO ranking.

Know what your competitors are up to

You’ll need to know what you’re dealing with. Have your marketing team go over your top two or three competitors’ websites and see what they’re doing. What types of ads are they taking out? What kinds of keywords are they using?

This is critical information for you to have: see how competitors use keywords, then compare metrics if possible. If their B2B advertising campaigns seem more successful, contemplate how you and your team can improve your ranking.

The world of B2B advertising can be a brutal one, but we pride ourselves on serving as your friend in the business. We've got a reputation for excellent service and can help you ascend the search engine optimization ladder!

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